Sunday 5 December 2010

Different Countries to Celebrate Christmas

The Finns believe Santa Claus (Santa Claus) lives in the northern part of Finland called Korvatunturi, north of the Arctic Circle. People around the world send letters to Santa Claus in Finland. (It is fair to say that the people of Greenland say that really, Father Christmas lives in Greenland!) There is a large tourist park theme still called "Christmas Land" in northern Finland, close to where they say that Santa Claus lives.

Each clean your home ready for the three Christmas holidays - Christmas, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Christmas Eve is very special, when people eat rice porridge and a sweet soup of dried fruit (prunes, raisins, apples, pears, peaches and figs). It is eaten in the morning or at noon. Then decorate a fir tree in the home (nike nike jordan 6 rings olympic edition). At noon, the "Declaration of Peace of Christmas" is broadcast on radio and television in the Finnish city of Turku for their mayor. At night, the traditional Christmas dinner is eaten. The meal will include 'casseroles' containing the liver, turnip, carrot and potato, with ham or turkey. Some families eat foie gras. Rawpickled lightly salted salmon, herring and salad called "rosolli." Mushroom salad is also common. Rosolli is cold salad made of potatoes peeled, cooked and diced carrots, diced beets and apples, onion and pickled cucumber. Season with salt (some people also used pepper). Whipped Cream (+ salt, vinegar and beet color to be pink) served with rosolli. Food traditions during the Christmas period depend on what part of the Finnish people live. In Lapland and Finland there are islands of different foods. Other foods include peas, different types of salads, eggs, cold dishes, fish dishes, pies, stews such as beet casserole with cheese or blue cheese, sweet and hot breads, cakes of Karelia, nike jordan 6 rings nelly 2 and cheeses. Gingerbread, spice cake, different types of cakes and cookies and others to eat with coffee or milk. You eat these "days of coffee" time Christmas Eve (after the declaration of peace of Christmas that everyone sees on TV, or before going to church and the cemetery), on the night. Christmas smells include mulled wine, gingerbread, spices - cinnamon, the most common - the Christmas tree, lit candles and Hyacinthe. Hyacinthe Poinsettia and Christmas flowers are the most popular. On Christmas Eve many go to church in the afternoon or evening (the time depends on the local churches) - this is a new tradition. The "real" old church of the Nativity is in the early morning of Christmas Day. Many go there too. Cemeteries are very beautiful places on the eve of Christmas, because there are plenty of soft white snow and the lights only come from people carrying candles to the graves of their loved ones. If family members are buried in cemeteries, there are places in the cemetery can lit his candle to remember. Sauna, of course, is part of the celebration. People go there before the church and tombs, or after them. After the sauna is the festive meal. At the time of high! Then comes Santa Claus (if children) or gifts under the Christmas tree opening. In some families where there are children, the gifts are placed under the tree, but picked up the big bags, which take place near the front door. Then a family member might say, I have heard the sound of reindeer bells ... Or I have heard of Santa Claus ... When you go to see nike jordan 6 rings medium grey vivid blue white concord, there are big bags full of presents there. So it was Easter, after all. Then people drink coffee and eat cakes, cookies and other sweets. Enjoy this and play games. Young children go to bed, but others stay up late. Many families visit cemeteries and grave yards to place a candle in the burial tombs of their relatives. Cemeteries are very beautiful at Christmas time


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